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Carly Coleman – Raising Funds for Dentaid

Carly Coleman - Dentaid - Lily Head Dental Practice Sales

I recently met a very motivated, talented and brave dental nurse called Carly Coleman.

Carly is raising funds for Dentaid and is travelling to Uganda as a volunteer in February 2024.

Carly is a dental nurse at Euston Place Dental in Leamington Spa and has been registered with the GDC since 2020.

With the support of her Principal, Carly has volunteered to help change lives through dental care in Uganda.

In order to support the charity (£) Carly must raise £2950 to cover her travel, accommodation, travel within Uganda, meals and dental supplies.

I am pleased to support Carly.

If any of my network would like to help Carly help others then please consider donating using this link.

Best, Lily


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