Understanding Expertise

Understanding Expertise I subscribe to all sorts of newsletters and updates to help me stay informed. I make a point of regularly unsubscribing from content which under delivers in order to make space in my inbox for the good stuff. Last week I received an e mail which caught my eye. It contained quite the […]
We Educate Our Children

We Educate Our Children I regularly have interesting conversations with entrepreneurial Principals about one of their key challenges. Growing their patient list and selling more treatment packages. It can be at an established practice or one which has only been established for a few years. The first step is to retain your existing patients. The […]
Telling The Team

Telling the Team When we take any practice to the entire market. We must present the key features of the practice and give an indication of the practice location to make it an interesting proposition to prospective purchasers. At the same time, we must conceal the exact identity of the practice. This is so that […]
Get in the Right Time Zone

Get in the Right Time Zone I often spend years talking to prospective clients about the market, their particularly circumstances and what a great plan for them to exit their dental practice would look like. It’s what we do. After all, our advice to clients is to start considering your options up to ten years […]
Find Me the Money

Find Me the Money Where do you start if you are a business owner who wants to raise finance? It could be for a business acquisition, to fund growth or to negotiate a refinance on better terms for existing debt. Contacting a bank you may have used in the past may sound like a good […]
Getting The Value

Getting The Value Sometimes when I speak to Principals they ask ‘please can you find me a buyer for my dental practice?’ Sometimes they ask ‘what do you do for your fee’? In our business the true definition of a buyer is a person(s) or organisations which hands over an agreed sum of money and […]
Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful It was in late 2022 that I was writing about how to navigate the dental practice sales market in a recession. At that time, interest rates for buyers were rising, energy prices were increasing, buyers were being more cautious, lenders were becoming more cautious. In effect the market was rebalancing and […]
Golden Handcuffs

Golden Handcuffs The term golden handcuffs first originated in 1976 on Wall Street and resulted in Bankers salaries vastly outstripping those of average private sector workers. ‘Golden Handcuffs’ were more than just about base salary. Packages were loaded with stock options, annual bonuses and benefits stacked into the six figures or more. They were used […]
Attention Economy – Why Less is Often More

“Attention Economy – Why less is often more.” One of the things we prepare our clients for is the viewings that prospective buyers undertake prior to making an offer. This is often a new experience for our clients. They can be apprehensive about how the meeting will unfold. What will the buyer want to know? […]
Profit isn’t a Dirty Word

Profit Isn’t a Dirty Word How things have changed. Prior to the pandemic dental practice deals between vendors and their preferred buyers were taking 6 months to complete. The official bank rate was 0.75%. Fast forward to 2024 and deals are taking up to 9 months to complete. The official bank rate is 5.25% (7 […]
Building An Intentional Culture

Building an Intentional Culture I have just read, People: Dare to build an Intentional Culture which is part of the EOS Master Series. I really recommend it. If you were to ask your team to describe your businesses culture in five words, would their lists be consistent? It’s an exercise worth trying, and if your […]
Trying too Hard to be Perfect

Trying too hard to be perfect. I wanted to share two examples of counterintuitive thinking to show the importance of keeping an open mind. One refers to something we are working on. The other is a story of how an analyst in the US Air Force helped save the lives of airmen in the 1940’s. […]